Friday 16 September 2011


Some really rough notes that I took during Thursday and decided I might as well type up, we talk about some of the features we'd like to see in-game.

Some kind of indication for each of these maybe on the UI unless we could think of a smarter way to implement these

Seeing hallucinations when you're very thirsty, maybe waterfalls and lakes, unless that only happens with mirages I'm not sure.

Distil seawater by boiling it with a cloth covering the bowl, catching rain water, water springs in caves, coconuts, sucking moss.


Weaker, not able to perform tasks as fast. This will go down a lot slower than the thirst indicator because a human can survive for around 3 weeks without food {{citation needed}} but water is significantly less.

Crabs, fish, other animals.

Get bored if you do the same thing over and over for a long time, using wilson as companionship.

Poisonous spiders that bite you, you have to suck the poision out.
Spider bites can cause weakness, tremors, vomiting, sweating, chills. Depending on what spider
Snake poision can be sucked out in most cases. {{citation needed}}

Cutscenes that show emotion towards Wilson.
Idea: Your character is dreaming about Wilson burning down the shelter? storage? and being a traitor, sabotaging your efforts to leave the island. The scene shows what's happening back in real life and the shelter/storage gets hit by lightning and burns down when your character wakes up he starts yelling at Wilson.

Idea: There is a thunderstorm, rain is hammering down. The camera angle is from the characters eyes he is lying down under a shelter wrapped in something to keep himself warm and he is looking down his body and past his feet to the entrance of the small shelter. Outside in the rain Wilson is sitting in the rain staring at the character it will be made to look like Wilson is cold and unhappy by being left outside, the character will get up and go outside to pick Wilson up to bring him into the shelter where he will wrap tuck him in.

Adam's notes:

Randomized weather conditions, such as a heatwave, rain, snow and hail etc., which would affect the player, such as rain would let the player be able to get more water if they've set-up some sort of water containers outside, and snow may freeze the same water containers if they are left for long periods of time.

Items disappear in natural ways, such as if something is near the coast and it's left for a long period of time will get washed into the sea as an example.

Also the game is set in the Cast away universe, but couple of months after the film was set and Chuck Noland has already left the island, but still left some things there such as the cave paintings, his life raft on the beach and other things from the film.

- Josh and Adam


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