Thursday 15 September 2011

3D And 2D

3D game- Overall objective, escape the island, survive. Secondary objective general survival and crafting etc. Replayability.

Exploration, multiple ways to complate the game, complexity if wanted.

Genre - First person survival adventure

License - Castaway FedEx and wilson. Cast away made $429,632,142 worldwide FedEx distribution company that is well know. Wilson the brand became more popular because of wilson and even brought out a line of volleyballs.

Target Gamer - People that liked the film, survival genre fans, people who like a challenge and to solve stuff, 19-35 fans of minecraft.

Competition - Minecraft, sims castaway, lost the game.

Unique selling point - Unusual, intelligent crafting system, realist survival.

Target hardware - Target playerbase mostly have an xbox 360 or PS3 when they come home from work they want to sit on the couch to relax and play, PS3 would be able to handle the more complex graphics. Also for the PC version, it will have the complex graphics, better controls and an advanced version of the crafting system, the consoles will have a dumbed down version of the crafting.

2D Game
Player motivations - Satisfaction of completing challenging puzzles, escaping the island
Repeatability, exploration and multiple ways of completing tasks and completing the game.

Genre - Point and click adventure and puzzle game.

License - The same things that were mentioned for the 3D version of the game.

Target customer - 2D fans, Point and click fans, adventure fans, people who like to do puzzles and have a challenge to overcome and for gender and age we thought both genders would be targeted and for the platforms we chose Nintendo Ds would target 12-16 years old and for the pc -16-25.

Competition - Lost in the blue is a similar game so we thought it might be competition, monkey island is a point and click adventure game, machinarium and dream machine.

Unique selling point - It is a old genre but we think we have modernised it a bit and we think the old genre would be a unique selling point also.

Target Hardware - Pc and Nintendo Ds, Ds because puzzle games sell well on the Ds and the touch screen would help the player move around. For the Pc we thought of this because the point and click genre originated from the Pc and a lot of the market is on the Pc because a lot of people grew up with it on the Pc.

If any of you want to make changes to this to make it a bit more clear if needed, feel free to do so.

- Josh, Ryan, Adam, Luke


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