Tuesday 27 September 2011

Different Version's of Maps.

I've started and completed the Points of Interest and Item's map, and plan to do a Wildlife map, and Cave systems map. I've also completed some write up to help support the Points of Interest and item's map, including locations and explanations of what certain items do. It's the same scale as the Natural Geography map so the distance is the same.

Write up:

Points of Interest and Items map notes:

This is a list of some of the items and points of interest we’ve decided we want in the game, certain items have uses and some are useless, and almost all of the points of interest are from the film and have been left behind from Chuck Noland just slightly altered

FedEx Debris
FedEx Packages
Ice skate
Ice skate spear

Points of Interest:
Tree Statue
Amelia’s Crashsite
Help Sign

FedEx Package Contents:

Useful Packages:
1. Leather Pointed Shoes
2. Walkman and CD’s
3. Playing Cards
4. Arts and Craft’s Kit
5. Ladies Clothing
6. Jar of Boiled Sweets
7. Poncho’s

Useless Packages:
8. Broken GPS (Reference to the director)
9. Smudged – Island Survival for Dummies.
10. Slinky

Western and Eastern Islands:

They will both have small caves inside the rocky outcrop, with an air pocket inside so the player will be able to swim underwater find the entrance and get inside and find certain items inside such as, Mushrooms, Moss and other rare hidden items that could spawn inside a closed of moist cave. The Eastern island will have a FedEx Package inside and the Western island will have a FedEx package just north in between it and the main land.

Amelia Earhart’s plane crash:

Disappeared on June 2nd 1937 (Age 39) and was announced dead 2 years later, she disappeared over the Howland Island whilst she was attempting the first solo circumnavigation of the globe. Amelia was already renowned for solo flying across the Atlantic Ocean, and she also held many other awards for aviation.
She flew a custom Lockheed Model 10 Electra plane and has had many pictures next to it; her spouse was George P. Putnam.

We’ve decided our island is the perfect location for Amelia’s plane to of crashed on, she will be on the southern island with her plane crashed and she will have died on impact and have all of her equipment left on the southern island, she will be near a FedEx Package.

I plan to do the Wildlife map when Luke's research is completed and the cave systems map on Thursday or before Thursday. At home I'm going to start work on both maps and do some more concept drawings for things we will need to model.



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