Sunday 6 November 2011


Captain's log, Star date 9522.6
It's been a while since my last entry... Or any entry for that matter. I'm starting to wonder if it really is just me left... just me and my work.  I'm staying optimistic though, I know that someone WILL post work soon, at least... I hope.

Anyway, with that out of the way, here's a boat I did.#

I know what you're thinking. Too small, right?
Correct, I messed up the resizing and instead of it being x400 it's x100 the rest aren't though... I promise.

20 minutes later, "boat2" was born, I added windows, some shadow and a nifty little life preserver.

And this brings us to boat3, I added some smoke, planks and also change a few little things.

So, It got late. I was going to start with the washed up, shipwrecked version of the boat but I didn't have too much time. So, what I have done is mess around with a few colours and added some seaweed to get a rough idea of what it might look like.

These are I think, x300. I put in the other boat beneath it without smoke (it wouldn't fit) so you can kinda see the differences. I'll finish this, at some point, in the future, sometime. But for tonight I think I'm done.

Captain James T Kirk... signing off.

- Josh


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